Sunday, March 31, 2013

Plot Synopsis: Love is Hell

   This story came around with the incredibly awesome, ironic, paradoxical, funny idea for a romance parody: a girl falls in love with Satan. Lucifer. The Devil. Prince of Darkness. That Satan.
   The Plotline I have right now is an incomplete skeleton. The main character, a 27-year-old woman named Eveline Gardener is visiting her brother Michael at the hospital. Michael has been struggling with cancer for three years, and he was told by his doctor earlier that year that he had six months to live. Those six months have passed. Eve (get the reference? ;) ) has always had a strange connection with Mike, her twin brother. She's visiting him, and they are alone in the room (their parents have died in recent years, and they had very few extended family). She feels the life leaving Mike, and she feels a negative force in the room taking her brother away. Mike was once a Catholic, but his parents were totalitarian in their religious beliefs, and after leaving home he became atheist, which by Catholic standards is plenty enough to condemn one to Hell. Eve realizes this, and calls out to the apparition. At first nothing happens, but Eve goes over to the ouiga board she gave him a few weeks ago. As teenagers, they had gone to haunted places and played with the particular board that is now sitting in the hospital room at a table in the corner of the room. She begins to use it, and Satan makes himself visible to her, asking her what she wants. She tells him that she needs her brother to stay alive, and the Devil replies that the only way to do that is to give him her soul, and he gives her three days to think about it.
   After a tumultuous three days, she is unsure what to decide when the Prince of Darkness again appears, demanding an answer. After several seconds of consideration, she agrees. The rest of the story documents her subsequent development of Stockholm Syndrome, and her plunge into dependent insanity as she does the devil's bidding, desperate to dwell with him forever in Hell, the Queen of Brimstone. After a shootout in an abandoned home in which Eveline is killed, she arrives in the afterlife to find God, who tells her that he is placing her in Paradise. Tormented, she asks why he would do that after all the horrible things she's done. He replies that for her, Paradise is eternal punishment, which is what she deserves.
   I think the idea of this romance novel is very new, and VERY ironic in many ways. At the same time, it is dark and blasphemous, but sarcastic. It fits my personality and writing style really well, and if I do it right it can be very successful commercially.
   Thoughts? Ideas? Protests? Suggestions?

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